1. As a member of Parliament Special Select Committee on International Affairs, I am disappointed with the appointment of YB Tajuddin Abd Rahman to be the Ambassador to Indonesia.
2. Relationship with Indonesia is one of the top foreign relations agenda for Malaysia. Malaysia cannot afford to cause tension among the two countries.
3. There are many thorny issues among regional countries such as disputed territories , Exclusive Economic Zone, Treatment of foreign labour, competition for exports imports and competition for Foreign Direct Investments. Skillful diplomats are needed to resolve such issues.
4. Malaysians have seen how YB Tajuddin performed in the Parliament and his handling of MRT crisis. Is he the right choice for this important position?
5. Dato Tajuddin is also considered as the latest political appointees. Political appointees have often failed to uphold institutional professionalism. The removal of Dato Tajuddin from MRT Corp was an example of the perils of political appointments.
6. After meeting many Wisma Putra officers, I am confident that there are many more experienced capable career diplomats who can handle challenging bi-lateral relationships between the two countries.
7. While I respect the King’s appointment, but it was the prerogative of the Prime Minister to submit his name. Therefore, we must hold the current Government accountable for their choice of the candidate.
8. The Prime Minister must answer to the public why he chose Datuk Tajuddin as Duta Besar to Indonesia.
Sim Tze Tzin
MP for Bayan Baru
Members of PSSC for International Affairs